Who are we?

Our belief

The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences.”

                                                             Proverbs 18:21, NLT


Considering that it was the confluence of words that brought the world into existence, we should not be surprised that the power of life and death does lie in the tongue. What we say matters. In ancient traditions, elders would bless the younger generations by speaking blessings over them. In the same way, we can use our words to shape our destiny and the lives of those around us. Just a simple word of encouragement is enough to catapult our lives into a whole new stratosphere.

We believe that the message of hope transcends all cultures and backgrounds. We invite people from all corners of the earth to share in our experiences and allow us to encourage you with our words of inspiration.

The Voice Behind the Brand

Hi! My name is Dr. Khadine, and I am the face behind Emergent Word.

The reason I created this platform is because I have experienced God’s transformative power in my life, and hopefully, my shared experiences can impact someone’s journey. 

I truly believe that we have been given the ability to breathe life into our destiny by simply renewing the ways we think and by altering the words that we speak. I’ve seen it in my own life. Through God’s grace, I have been able to accomplish spectacular feats, and I have experienced amazing blessings. I have also overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles, yet I am still standing tall.

I’m an accomplished dentist (graduated from New York University College of Dental Medicine with a Doctor of Dental Surgery degree); an accomplished journalist (graduated from the University of Miami with a Bachelor’s of Science in Communication); and a passionate public health promoter (graduated from Florida International University with a Masters in Public Health). I have organized multiple public health awareness initiatives on the issues of oral and pharyngeal cancers and HIV/AIDS.

I would consider myself blessed. Aside from having a wonderful career, I also have an amazing family and wonderful friends.

My biggest passion is people. I truly believe that we are called to love and help each other navigate through life. When Jesus was asked which was the greatest commandment, He responded, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments” (Matthew  22:37–40).Showing love is one of my callings. 

It is my desire that you will join me as we explore this beautiful, sometimes topsy-turvy, life together. See you soon! Muah!

Our Core Values

Everything that we believe and share are based on these three basic principles:

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